Moving Canada to USA
Client must complete the US form:
3299 – Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles
In Case of Canadian Citizen Moving to USA:
- Passport
- Work or Student Visa
In Case of Inheritance:
- Passport
- Copy of Death Certificate
- Copy of Will
In Case of Returning US Citizen who Resided in Canada:
- US Passport
- Birth Certificate
Moving USA to Canada
Client must make an itemised list of all items being permanently moved into Canada. Divided into two sections
- Goods Travelling With You
- Goods to Follow
These can be made using the pre prepared Government of Canada forms BSF186 and BSF186A
Details of which items are taxed or tax exempt can be found here.
In Case of Importing Vehicle from USA to Canada:
Use the RIV Vehicle Importer Checklist to ensure all requirements are met.